This is the largest FREE multi-day regional festival in Western Canada!
The Grande Prairie Downtown Association is proud to be a sponsor and event organizer,
Sponsorships include the DMF (Destination Marketing Fund) and GP Regional Tourism and the City of Grande Prairie, New Horizon CO-OP and Aquatera.
Visiting from Mexico, Ghana, Canada, Australia, USA and Japan
Our line up consists of:/
The Amazing Martika, Marie Antoinette, Sarah Teakle, The Ruby Rubberlegs Show, Richard Circus Entertainment, Victor’s 25-time-award-winning juggling and comedy extravaganza, Pancho Libre, HEROMACRO, Heather D. Swain, Marcia Tofer, Cirquetastic, niuboi the alien, Charlie Peters, Demmi Dupri and Rachel Ripkens – Balloon Twisters, Caricatures by Simon, Cindy Lou, Mia and P”Wan – Face and Body Art.
These are the very same entertainers that showcase in Alberta’s capital!